Gaming Research & Platform Safety

Gaming platforms play important roles as tools of entertainment and socialization for 3 billion users globally. Yet gaming also enables harm including addiction, harassment, disinformation, extremism, and predators. Platform safety and health are connected to approaches to monetization, anonymity, dark patterns, diversity, standards, oversight, and transparency. Smaller platforms lack the capacity to assess and address risks, which contributes to socially unsustainable gaming and information ecosystems. These risks grow as gaming platforms merge with other media forms to become increasingly important vectors of information distribution.

Compare Common Harms in Video Gaming Platforms

What are the most common harms caused by gaming and what conditions contribute to harm?

Create Gaming Safety Assessment Framework

How can we better assess current and emerging gaming platform safety risks and safety?

Compare Platform Safety and Develop Recommendations

How can platforms be compared for safety and how can we continuously build toward safety?

Let’s make gaming and other online information ecosystems healthy, responsible and accountable.